Learn Armenian Nominative Case

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Understanding the Nominative Case in Armenian
The nominative case is a special way of using words in Armenian. It's like a magic label that helps us know who or what is doing something in a sentence. When we use the nominative case, we are usually talking about the subject of the sentence.
Important Points
  • The nominative case is often the first word in a simple sentence.
  • It tells us who or what is performing the action.
  • In Armenian, nouns and pronouns in the nominative case don't usually change their form.
  • The nominative case can also be used to name something or someone.
Let's look at some examples to understand how the nominative case works in Armenian sentences. Remember, the nominative case is like a spotlight shining on the star of the sentence!
  • Անին գրում է։ (Ani is writing.)
  • Շունը վազում է։ (The dog is running.)
  • Գիրքը հետաքրքիր է։ (The book is interesting.)
In these examples, 'Ani', 'the dog', and 'the book' are the subjects of the sentences. They are in the nominative case because they are the ones doing the actions or being described.
Now that you know about the nominative case, you can start to spot it in Armenian sentences. It's like finding the star of the show!