Learn Belarusian Verb Aspect

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Understanding Belarusian Verb Aspects
In the Belarusian language, verbs have something called 'aspects.' This is a way to show if an action is finished or not finished. Think of it as telling a story about what happens with the action. There are two main aspects: perfective and imperfective.
Perfective Aspect
The perfective aspect is used when we want to say that an action is completed or finished. It's like saying, 'I did it!' This aspect is often used when you want to show that something happened once and is now done.
  • Я написаў ліст. (I wrote a letter.)
  • Яна з'ела яблык. (She ate an apple.)
Imperfective Aspect
The imperfective aspect is used when we talk about actions that are not finished, or when we talk about habits and ongoing actions. It's like saying, 'I am doing it,' or 'I do it often.'
  • Я пісаў ліст. (I was writing a letter.)
  • Яна ела яблык. (She was eating an apple.)
How to Choose the Right Aspect
Important Points
  • Think about whether the action is finished or ongoing.
  • Use perfective for actions that are completed.
  • Use imperfective for actions that are still happening or happen regularly.
  • Увечары я прачытала кнігу. (In the evening, I read the book.)
  • Кожны дзень я чытаю кнігу. (Every day, I read a book.)