Learn Belarusian Verb Conjugation

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Introduction to Belarusian Verb Conjugation
In the Belarusian language, verbs are words that tell us what someone or something is doing. Just like in English, verbs change their form depending on who is doing the action and when it is happening. This is called conjugation.
Basic Rules of Conjugation
Verbs in Belarusian change based on a few things: the person doing the action (like 'I', 'you', 'he', 'she'), the number of people (one person or more), and the time of the action (past, present, or future).
Present Tense Conjugation
The present tense is used to talk about actions happening right now. In Belarusian, verbs change their endings to match the subject.
Important Points
  • First person singular: я (I)
  • Second person singular: ты (you)
  • Third person singular: ён/яна/яно (he/she/it)
  • First person plural: мы (we)
  • Second person plural: вы (you all)
  • Third person plural: яны (they)
  • Я чытаю кнігу.
  • Ты чытаеш кнігу.
  • Яны чытаюць кнігу.
Past Tense Conjugation
The past tense is used to describe actions that have already happened. The verb endings change depending on the gender and number of the subject.
  • Я чытаў кнігу. (for a male speaker)
  • Я чытала кнігу. (for a female speaker)
  • Яны чыталі кнігу.
Future Tense Conjugation
The future tense is used to talk about actions that will happen. You can form the future tense by adding certain prefixes to the verb or using an auxiliary verb.
  • Я буду чытаць кнігу.
  • Ты будзеш чытаць кнігу.
  • Яны будуць чытаць кнігу.
Common Verb Endings
Important Points
  • Present tense endings: -у, -еш, -е, -ем, -еце, -уць
  • Past tense endings: -аў, -ала, -алі
  • Future tense: use 'буду', 'будзеш', 'будзе', etc.
Belarusian verb conjugation may seem tricky at first, but with practice, it becomes easier. Pay attention to who is doing the action and when it is happening, and choose the right verb ending.