Understanding Bosanski Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
In Bosanski, adjectives help describe things. When we want to compare things or say something is the most or least, we use special forms of adjectives called comparative and superlative adjectives.
Comparative adjectives are used when we want to compare two things. In Bosanski, we usually add '-iji' or '-iji' to the adjective, but sometimes we just add '-ji' or '-ši'.
- Marko je viši od Petra.
- Ova knjiga je interesantnija od one.
- Moj pas je brži od tvog.
Superlative adjectives are used when we want to say something is the most or the least among three or more things. In Bosanski, we add 'naj-' to the beginning of the adjective.
- Ana je najpametnija u razredu.
- Ovo je najljepši grad koji sam posjetio.
- Ona je najbolja u timu.
Important Points
- Comparative adjectives compare two things.
- Superlative adjectives describe the most or least among three or more things.
- Use '-iji', '-ji', or '-ši' for comparatives.
- Use 'naj-' for superlatives.
Remember, using the right form of adjectives helps us describe things more clearly. Practice by comparing things around you and saying which one is the best or the most.