Learn Bosnian Dative Case

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Understanding the Bosanski Dative Case
The Dative Case in Bosanski is used to show the indirect object of a sentence. This means it tells us to whom or for whom something is done. It's like saying 'to' or 'for' someone in English.
Important Points
  • The Dative Case is used with certain verbs that imply giving or communicating.
  • It can also be used with certain prepositions.
  • The endings of nouns and adjectives change in the Dative Case.
  • Both singular and plural forms have their own Dative endings.
How Nouns Change in the Dative Case
In Bosanski, nouns change their endings based on gender and number when used in the Dative Case. Let's see how this works.
Important Points
  • Masculine singular nouns usually end in '-u'.
  • Feminine singular nouns often end in '-i'.
  • Neuter singular nouns also typically end in '-u'.
  • For plural nouns, the ending is generally '-ima'.
  • Dajem knjigu bratu.
  • Pišem pismo majci.
  • Dajem igračku djetetu.
Using Adjectives in the Dative Case
Adjectives also change their endings in the Dative Case to match the nouns they describe.
Important Points
  • Masculine singular adjectives usually end in '-om'.
  • Feminine singular adjectives often end in '-oj'.
  • Neuter singular adjectives typically end in '-om'.
  • For plural adjectives, the ending is generally '-im'.
  • Dajem knjigu dobrom bratu.
  • Pišem pismo dragoj majci.
  • Dajem igračku malom djetetu.
Prepositions with the Dative Case
Some prepositions in Bosanski are used with the Dative Case. These prepositions often express direction or purpose.
Important Points
  • Prepositions like 'k' or 'ka' (towards) require the Dative Case.
  • The preposition 'prema' (according to) also uses the Dative Case.
  • Idem k prijatelju.
  • Prema učitelju, trebamo učiti više.