Learn Bosnian Gender of Nouns

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Understanding Gender of Nouns in Bosanski
In the Bosanski language, every noun has a gender. This means that nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Knowing the gender of a noun is important because it helps us understand how to use the noun in sentences.
Important Points
  • Masculine nouns often end in a consonant.
  • Feminine nouns usually end in -a.
  • Neuter nouns typically end in -o or -e.
Let's look at some examples to make this clearer. If you know the gender of a noun, you can choose the right words to go with it, like adjectives and verbs.
  • Pas je velik. (The dog is big.)
  • Mačka je mala. (The cat is small.)
  • Dijete je sretno. (The child is happy.)
In these examples, 'pas' is a masculine noun, 'mačka' is a feminine noun, and 'dijete' is a neuter noun. Notice how the adjectives change to match the gender of the nouns.
Sometimes, you might find nouns that don't follow these rules exactly, but don't worry! With practice, you'll get better at recognizing them.
Important Points
  • Practice by reading and listening to Bosanski.
  • Use a dictionary to check the gender of new nouns.
  • Try making your own sentences using nouns of different genders.