Learn Chinese Expressing 'although' with '虽然'

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Understanding '虽然' in Chinese
In Chinese, the word '虽然' means 'although' or 'even though'. It is used to show a contrast between two ideas. When you use '虽然', you are saying that even if one thing is true, something else is also true.
Important Points
  • '虽然' comes at the beginning of the first part of the sentence.
  • The second part of the sentence often starts with '但是' or '可是'.
  • '虽然' can be used to show a surprising or unexpected contrast.
  • 虽然天气很冷,但是我还是去公园。
  • 虽然很累,可是她继续工作。
  • 虽然他不喜欢吃蔬菜,但是他还是吃了。
Here are some examples to help you understand how to use '虽然'. In each example, notice how '虽然' is used to introduce a situation, and '但是' or '可是' introduces the contrasting action.
  • 虽然我很忙,但是我会帮你。
  • 虽然不高,可是他篮球打得很好。
  • 虽然今天下雨,但是我们还是去海边。
Remember, '虽然' helps you show that two things can be true at the same time, even if they seem opposite. Practice using '虽然' in sentences to get better at it!