Learn Chinese Serial Verb Constructions

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Understanding Serial Verb Constructions in Chinese
In Chinese, sometimes we use more than one verb in a sentence to show a sequence of actions or to express a complex idea. This is called a Serial Verb Construction. It's like telling a little story with verbs, one after another.
Important Points
  • Serial Verb Constructions involve two or more verbs.
  • These verbs are used to describe actions that happen one after the other.
  • There are no conjunctions like 'and' between the verbs.
  • The verbs share the same subject.
  • They can express purpose, manner, or result.
When you use Serial Verb Constructions, it's important to remember that the actions are connected. This means the first action often leads to the second one, or they happen in a specific order.
  • 进教室下。
  • 商店东西。
  • 起书了起来。
In these examples, notice how the verbs are placed one after another. The first verb sets the scene, and the next verb tells what happens next. For instance, '走' (walk) happens before '坐' (sit) in the first example.