Understanding Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in Hrvatski
In the Hrvatski language, adjectives can change to show comparison. This helps us describe things in more detail, like saying someone is taller or the tallest. Let's learn how to use these special forms of adjectives.
Comparative adjectives are used when we want to compare two things. We add '-iji' or '-ji' to the adjective. This is like saying 'bigger' or 'smarter' in English.
- Ana je viša od Marka.
- Ova knjiga je bolja od one.
- Pas je brži od mačke.
Superlative adjectives are used when we want to say something is the most among three or more things. We add 'naj-' before the adjective. This is like saying 'biggest' or 'smartest' in English.
- Ana je najviša u razredu.
- Ova knjiga je najbolja koju sam pročitao.
- Pas je najbrži u parku.
Irregular Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Some adjectives don't follow the regular rules and change completely. These are called irregular adjectives. For example, 'dobar' becomes 'bolji' for comparative and 'najbolji' for superlative.
- Ovo je bolji film.
- Ovo je najbolji film.
Important Points
- dobar - bolji - najbolji
- loš - gori - najgori
- velik - veći - najveći