Learn Danish Future Tense

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Understanding the Danish Future Tense
In Danish, the future tense is used to talk about things that will happen later. It's like making a promise about what you will do or what will happen.
Important Points
  • 'Vil' is used when you want to express a future intention or plan.
  • 'Skal' is used when you have a scheduled event or obligation.
  • You can also use the present tense with a future time expression to indicate future actions.
Let's look at how these words work in sentences. It's like using building blocks to make a sentence about the future!
  • Jeg vil spise is i morgen.
  • Vi skal besøge bedstemor på søndag.
  • Hun rejser til Paris næste uge.
Remember, 'vil' and 'skal' are like magic words that help us talk about the future.
Sometimes, you can use the present tense with words that tell you about the future, like 'i morgen' (tomorrow) or 'næste uge' (next week).
  • De spiller fodbold i morgen.
  • Jeg går til lægen næste uge.
Now you know how to talk about the future in Danish. It's like telling a story about what will happen!