Learn Danish Interrogative Sentences

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Understanding Danish Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative sentences, or questions, are used when we want to ask about something. In Danish, just like in English, we can ask questions in different ways. Let's learn how to do it!
Basic Word Order for Questions
In Danish, when you ask a question, you usually start with the verb. This is different from English because in English, we often start with 'do' or 'does'.
  • Er du glad?
  • Har du en hund?
  • Kan du lide is?
Using Question Words
Sometimes we need more information, so we use question words. These words help us ask about specific things like time, place, or reason.
Important Points
  • Hvem (Who)
  • Hvad (What)
  • Hvor (Where)
  • Hvornår (When)
  • Hvorfor (Why)
  • Hvordan (How)
  • Hvem er det?
  • Hvad laver du?
  • Hvor bor du?
Yes/No Questions
These are questions that can be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. In Danish, you start these questions with the verb.
  • Er det din bog?
  • Har du spist?
  • Kan du svømme?
Questions with 'ikke' (Not)
When you want to ask if something is not true, you add 'ikke' after the subject. This is like saying 'isn't' or 'aren't' in English.
  • Er du ikke træt?
  • Har du ikke set filmen?
  • Kan du ikke komme?