Learn English Active Voice

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Understanding Active Voice in English
In English, the active voice is a way of writing sentences where the subject does the action. This makes sentences clear and direct. It's like saying, 'I kicked the ball,' where 'I' is doing the action of kicking.
Important Points
  • The subject is the doer of the action.
  • The verb is the action word.
  • The object is the receiver of the action.
Using the active voice helps us know who is doing what. It makes sentences stronger and easier to understand. Let's see some examples to make this clearer.
  • The cat chased the mouse.
  • Sarah painted the picture.
  • The teacher explained the lesson.
In these examples, you can see that the subject (the cat, Sarah, the teacher) is doing the action (chased, painted, explained). The objects (the mouse, the picture, the lesson) receive the action.
Let's remember, using the active voice makes your writing lively and clear. It's like telling a story where you know exactly who is doing what.
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