Learn Estonian Ablative Case

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Understanding the Eesti Ablative Case
In the Estonian language, the ablative case is used to show movement away from something or to indicate the origin of something. It's like saying 'from' in English.
Important Points
  • The ablative case often ends with '-lt' or '-lt' in Estonian.
  • It is used to describe where someone or something is coming from.
  • It can also indicate the source or origin of an action or object.
  • It is used with verbs that imply movement away.
Let's learn how to use the ablative case with some examples.
  • Poiss tuli koolilt.
  • Linnud lendasid puult.
  • Ta sai kingituse sõbralt.
In these examples, the words 'koolilt', 'puult', and 'sõbralt' are in the ablative case. They tell us where the boy came from, where the birds flew from, and from whom the gift was received.
  • Koer jooksis majalt.
  • Mees tuli turult.
  • Lapsed tulid pargilt.
By practicing with these examples, you'll get better at recognizing and using the ablative case in Estonian.