Learn Estonian Past Perfect Tense

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Understanding the Eesti Past Perfect Tense
The Past Perfect Tense in Eesti is used to talk about actions that happened before another action in the past. It helps us know which action happened first.
Important Points
  • It describes an action that was completed before another past action.
  • It is formed using the past form of the verb 'to be' (oli) and the main verb in its past participle form.
  • It often uses words like 'before', 'after', or 'when' to show the sequence of events.
When you use the Past Perfect Tense, you are telling a story about something that happened before something else. It's like saying, 'I had already done this before that happened.'
  • Kui ma kooli jõudsin, oli tund alanud.
  • Ta oli juba söönud, enne kui me kohale jõudsime.
  • Enne kui vihma hakkas sadama, oli ta pesu välja riputanud.
Let's say you went to a friend's house, but before you arrived, your friend had already left. In Eesti, you would say, 'Kui ma sõbra juurde jõudsin, oli ta juba lahkunud.' This shows that your friend leaving happened before you arrived.
Important Points
  • Use 'oli' to help form the Past Perfect Tense.
  • The main verb should be in its past participle form.
  • This tense helps us understand the order of events in the past.
  • Ma olin oma kodutöö teinud, enne kui telekat vaatama hakkasin.
  • Kui ema koju jõudis, oli isa juba magama läinud.