Learn Estonian Superlative Degree

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Understanding the Superlative Degree in Eesti
In the Eesti language, adjectives can change their form to show different degrees of comparison. When we want to say that something is the 'most' or 'least' of all, we use the superlative degree. This helps us express the highest or lowest quality among a group.
Important Points
  • To form the superlative degree, we often add the suffix '-im' to the adjective.
  • If the adjective ends with a vowel, we might need to adjust it slightly before adding '-im'.
  • Some adjectives have irregular superlative forms that need to be memorized.
  • The superlative can also be formed by using the word 'kõige' before the adjective.
  • ilus -> ilusaim (most beautiful)
  • suur -> suurim (biggest)
  • hea -> parim (best)
Let's look at some examples to understand how the superlative degree works. If you want to say that a flower is the most beautiful in the garden, you would use the superlative form of 'ilus' which is 'ilusaim'. Similarly, if you are talking about the biggest building, you would say 'suurim'.
  • See on kõige ilusaim lill aias.
  • See on suurim hoone linnas.
  • Ta on kõige targem õpilane klassis.
Remember, the superlative degree is very useful when you want to emphasize the highest or lowest level of an adjective. Practice using it with different adjectives to become more comfortable.