Understanding Finnish Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are special words we use to ask questions. In Finnish, these pronouns help us find out more about people, things, or places. Let's explore some of these important words and see how they are used.
Important Points
- Kuka
- Mikä
- Kumpi
- Millainen
- Missä
- Mihin
- Mistä
- Miten
- Miksi
Each of these words has a special job. They help us ask about different things, like 'who', 'what', 'which', 'what kind', 'where', 'to where', 'from where', 'how', and 'why'. Let's look at them one by one.
We use 'Kuka' when we want to know about a person. It's like asking 'Who is that?'.
- Kuka sinä olet?
- Kuka soitti?
The word 'Mikä' helps us ask about things or objects. It's like saying 'What is this?'.
When we have two choices and want to ask about them, we use 'Kumpi'. It's like saying 'Which one do you like?'.
- Kumpi on parempi?
- Kumpi näistä?
'Millainen' is used to ask about the type or kind of something. It's like asking 'What kind of book is this?'.
- Millainen sää on?
- Millainen elokuva se on?
To find out the location of something, we use 'Missä'. It's like asking 'Where is the cat?'.
- Missä olet?
- Missä kirja on?
'Mihin' helps us ask about the direction or destination. It's like saying 'To where are you going?'.
- Mihin menet?
- Mihin tämä vie?
When we want to know the origin of something, we use 'Mistä'. It's like asking 'From where did you come?'.
- Mistä tulet?
- Mistä tämä on peräisin?
'Miten' is used when we want to know the way or method of doing something. It's like asking 'How do you do that?'.
- Miten teet sen?
- Miten tämä toimii?
'Miksi' helps us ask for reasons. It's like saying 'Why is the sky blue?'.
- Miksi olet täällä?
- Miksi hän itkee?