Learn Finnish Interrogative Sentences

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Understanding Finnish Interrogative Sentences
In Finnish, asking questions can be a little different from English. But don't worry, it's not too hard once you get the hang of it! Let's explore how to make questions in Finnish, step by step.
Important Points
  • Question words: These are special words that help us ask questions, like 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when', 'why', and 'how'. In Finnish, they are 'kuka', 'mikä', 'missä', 'milloin', 'miksi', and 'miten'.
  • Verb placement: In Finnish questions, the verb usually comes right after the question word or at the beginning if there's no question word.
  • Yes/No questions: These questions don't use a question word. Instead, the verb starts the sentence.
  • Word order: The sentence structure often changes in questions. The verb is often placed before the subject.
  • Intonation: Just like in English, your voice usually goes up at the end of a question.
Let's look at some examples to see how these rules work in real Finnish sentences.
  • Kuka sinä olet?
  • Mitä kello on?
  • Onko tämä sinun kirjasi?
Remember, practice makes perfect. Try making your own questions using these rules, and soon you'll be asking questions in Finnish like a pro!