Learn French Infinitive Mood

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Understanding the French Infinitive Mood
The infinitive mood in French is like the 'to' form of a verb in English, such as 'to eat', 'to play', or 'to run'. In French, it is the basic form of the verb, like 'manger' (to eat), 'jouer' (to play), or 'courir' (to run).
When to Use the Infinitive Mood
Important Points
  • After certain verbs: Some verbs like 'aimer' (to love) or 'vouloir' (to want) are followed by an infinitive.
  • After prepositions: When a verb follows a preposition like 'pour' (for) or 'avant de' (before), it stays in the infinitive form.
  • As a noun: The infinitive can act like a noun, often translated as '-ing' in English.
  • In commands or instructions: Sometimes, the infinitive is used for giving instructions or commands.
Examples of the Infinitive Mood
  • J'aime manger des pommes. (I love to eat apples.)
  • Il faut écouter le professeur. (One must listen to the teacher.)
  • Avant de dormir, je lis un livre. (Before sleeping, I read a book.)
Important Points to Remember
Important Points
  • The infinitive does not change with the subject. It stays the same no matter who is doing the action.
  • The infinitive can be used to express purpose, like 'pour manger' (to eat).
  • Infinitives can follow certain expressions, such as 'il faut' (it is necessary to).
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