Learn Georgian Demonstrative Pronouns

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Understanding ქართული Demonstrative Pronouns
In Georgian, demonstrative pronouns are words that point to specific things. They are like little signposts that help us know which things we are talking about. Just like in English we say 'this', 'that', 'these', and 'those', in Georgian, we have special words too.
Important Points
  • Demonstrative pronouns in Georgian are used to point out specific nouns.
  • They can indicate things that are near or far away.
  • The pronouns change based on whether the noun is singular or plural.
Let's learn the basic demonstrative pronouns in Georgian. For something close to us, we use 'ეს' (es) for singular and 'ესენი' (eseni) for plural. For something far from us, we use 'ის' (is) for singular and 'ისინი' (isini) for plural.
  • ეს წიგნი არის ახალი. (This book is new.)
  • ის სახლი დიდია. (That house is big.)
  • ესენი ფანქრები ლამაზია. (These pencils are beautiful.)
When we want to talk about more than one thing, we use the plural forms. Just like 'these' and 'those' in English, we use 'ესენი' (eseni) for things that are close and 'ისინი' (isini) for things that are far.
  • ისინი ფანჯრები არის დიდი. (Those windows are big.)
  • ესენი ბავშვები თამაშობენ. (These children are playing.)