Learn German Genitive Case

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Understanding the Genitive Case in German
The Genitive Case in German is used to show possession or a close relationship between things. It's like saying 'of' or adding 's' in English, like 'the book of the teacher' or 'the teacher's book.'
Important Points
  • The Genitive Case often shows ownership or a relationship between nouns.
  • It is mainly used in written language and formal speech.
  • In spoken German, people often use the Dative Case instead.
  • The Genitive Case can also show a part of a whole, like 'the walls of the house.'
To use the Genitive Case, you change the endings of the articles and sometimes the nouns. For masculine and neuter nouns, add 's' or 'es' to the noun. For feminine and plural nouns, the noun stays the same, but the article changes.
  • Das ist das Auto des Mannes. (This is the man's car.)
  • Ich lese das Buch der Lehrerin. (I am reading the teacher's book.)
  • Die Farbe des Himmels ist blau. (The color of the sky is blue.)
Important Points
  • Masculine and neuter nouns usually add 's' or 'es'.
  • Feminine and plural nouns do not change, but their articles do.
  • Use 'des' for masculine and neuter singular nouns.
  • Use 'der' for feminine singular and all plural nouns.
Here are the Genitive Case articles you need to remember: 'des' for masculine and neuter singular nouns, 'der' for feminine singular and all plural nouns.
  • Das Haus der Familie ist groß. (The family's house is big.)
  • Der Freund des Jungen spielt Fußball. (The boy's friend plays soccer.)
  • Ich mag die Musik dieses Künstlers. (I like this artist's music.)
Practice using the Genitive Case by thinking about who owns what, and try to use it in sentences. Remember, it's mostly used in formal writing, but it's good to know!
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