Learn German Imperative Mood

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Understanding the German Imperative Mood
The imperative mood in German is used to give commands, make requests, or offer suggestions. It's like when you tell someone to do something, like 'Please sit down' or 'Look at this!'
Important Points
  • The imperative is used for giving orders.
  • It can be used to make polite requests.
  • You can use it to give advice or suggestions.
  • It's important to use the correct form based on who you are talking to.
Forming the Imperative
In German, the imperative form changes depending on whether you are speaking to one person you know well (du), more than one person (ihr), or someone formally (Sie).
Important Points
  • For 'du', drop the 'st' from the verb: 'du gehst' becomes 'geh!'
  • For 'ihr', use the verb as it is: 'ihr geht' becomes 'geht!'
  • For 'Sie', keep the verb form and add 'Sie': 'gehen Sie!'
Examples of the Imperative Mood
  • Geh nach Hause!
  • Geht jetzt ins Bett!
  • Gehen Sie bitte hier entlang.
Special Cases and Tips
Important Points
  • Some verbs have irregular forms in the imperative.
  • Always be polite by adding 'bitte' (please) when necessary.
  • For verbs that end in '-eln' or '-ern', like 'sammeln', drop the 'e' for 'du': 'sammle!'
  • Iss dein Gemüse!
  • Seid leise!
  • Seien Sie geduldig.
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