Learn German Inseparable Verbs

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Understanding Inseparable Verbs in German
In German, some verbs have little beginnings called prefixes that change their meaning. These prefixes are like magic words that stick to the verb and never let go. We call these inseparable verbs because their prefixes never separate from the verb.
Important Points
  • These prefixes are: be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, and zer-.
  • The prefix stays attached to the verb in all forms and tenses.
  • These verbs often have meanings that are different from the verb without the prefix.
Just like how adding 'un-' in English can change 'happy' to 'unhappy', these prefixes change the meaning of the verb. For example, 'kommen' means 'to come', but 'bekommen' means 'to receive'.
  • bekommen: Ich bekomme ein Geschenk. (I receive a gift.)
  • verstehen: Er versteht die Aufgabe. (He understands the task.)
  • erleben: Wir erleben ein Abenteuer. (We experience an adventure.)
Inseparable verbs are special because their prefixes do not change or move around when the verb is used in a sentence. This makes them different from separable verbs, where the prefix can come off and move around.
Remember, inseparable verbs are like best friends with their prefixes. They always stay together, no matter what!
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