Learn Greek Adverbs of Frequency

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Understanding Greek Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency in Greek tell us how often something happens. They help us understand if an action is done always, sometimes, or never. These words are very important because they give us more information about actions.
Important Points
  • πάντα - always
  • συχνά - often
  • μερικές φορές - sometimes
  • σπάνια - rarely
  • ποτέ - never
When you use these adverbs in a sentence, they usually come before the verb. This helps to show how often the action happens. Let's look at some examples to understand better.
  • Η Μαρία πάντα διαβάζει πριν κοιμηθεί.
  • Ο Γιάννης συχνά πηγαίνει στο πάρκο.
  • Δεν τρώω ποτέ γλυκά.
In these examples, you can see how the adverbs are used to tell us about the frequency of the actions like reading, going, and eating.
Now you know how to use Greek adverbs of frequency to talk about how often things happen. Practice using them in your sentences to become more familiar with their placement and meaning.