Learn Greek Definite Article

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Understanding the Greek Definite Article
In Greek, the definite article is like a special word that tells us about a specific thing. It's like saying 'the' in English. For example, when you say 'the cat,' you mean one particular cat.
The Forms of the Greek Definite Article
Greek definite articles change depending on the gender, number, and case of the noun they are describing. There are three genders in Greek: masculine, feminine, and neuter. There are also singular and plural forms.
Important Points
  • Masculine Singular: ο
  • Feminine Singular: η
  • Neuter Singular: το
  • Masculine Plural: οι
  • Feminine Plural: οι
  • Neuter Plural: τα
Using the Definite Article
The definite article is used before a noun to point out something specific. Just like in English, it helps us understand which exact thing we are talking about.
  • Ο άνθρωπος διαβάζει. (The man is reading.)
  • Η γυναίκα τρώει. (The woman is eating.)
  • Το παιδί παίζει. (The child is playing.)
Special Cases
Sometimes, the definite article is used in ways that are different from English. For example, it can be used with proper names, days of the week, and abstract nouns.
  • Ο Γιάννης είναι φίλος μου. (John is my friend.)
  • Η Δευτέρα είναι μέρα δουλειάς. (Monday is a workday.)
  • Η αγάπη είναι σημαντική. (Love is important.)