Learn Greek Future Continuous Tense

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Understanding the Future Continuous Tense in Greek
The Future Continuous Tense in Greek is used to talk about actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future. It's like imagining what you will be doing tomorrow or next week.
How to Form the Future Continuous Tense
To form the Future Continuous Tense in Greek, we use the verb 'θα' (tha) which means 'will', followed by the verb in its continuous form.
  • Θα διαβάζω αύριο το απόγευμα.
  • Θα παίζουμε στο πάρκο την επόμενη εβδομάδα.
  • Θα μαγειρεύει όταν φτάσεις.
Important Points
  • Use 'θα' + verb in continuous form
  • Describes actions happening in the future
  • Can indicate an action occurring at a specific time
When to Use the Future Continuous Tense
We use the Future Continuous Tense to talk about actions that will be in progress at a future time. It's like looking through a window into the future and seeing what people will be doing.
  • Θα κοιμάμαι στις 10 το βράδυ.
  • Θα δουλεύουν μέχρι αργά το βράδυ.
  • Θα περπατάμε στην παραλία το καλοκαίρι.
Key Points to Remember
Important Points
  • 'Θα' (tha) is always used to indicate the future
  • The action is not completed but ongoing
  • Often used with time expressions like 'αύριο', 'την επόμενη εβδομάδα', or specific times
  • Θα σπουδάζει στο πανεπιστήμιο την επόμενη χρονιά.
  • Θα τραγουδάμε μαζί στο πάρτι.
  • Θα περιμένει το λεωφορείο στις 3 το μεσημέρι.
Remember, the Future Continuous Tense is like a movie of the future, showing what actions will be in progress.