Learn Hindi Present Perfect Tense

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Understanding Present Perfect Tense in Hindi
The Present Perfect Tense in Hindi is used to describe actions that have been completed recently or actions that have a connection to the present moment. It's like saying something has already happened.
Important Points
  • The subject (who or what the sentence is about)
  • The auxiliary verb 'है', 'हैं', or 'हूँ' (forms of 'to be')
  • The past participle of the main verb
To make a sentence in the Present Perfect Tense, we need to know who is doing the action and what the action is. We use special forms of the verb 'to be' and change the main verb a little bit.
  • राम खाना खा चुका है
  • सीता किताब पढ़ चुकी है
  • बच्चे खेल चुके हैं
In these examples, 'चुका है', 'चुकी है', and 'चुके हैं' show that the action has been completed. 'खाना खा', 'किताब पढ़', and 'खेल' are the actions that have been done.
Important Points
  • For singular masculine subjects, use 'चुका है'.
  • For singular feminine subjects, use 'चुकी है'.
  • For plural subjects, use 'चुके हैं'.
By following these rules, you can talk about things that have been done in a way that connects them to now. It's like saying, 'I have already done this!' in a happy way.