Learn Hindi Subject-Object-Verb Order

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Understanding Hindi Syntax: Subject-Object-Verb Order
In Hindi, we arrange words in a sentence in a special way. This order is called Subject-Object-Verb, or SOV for short. Let's learn what each part means.
Important Points
  • Subject: The person, animal, or thing doing the action.
  • Object: The person, animal, or thing receiving the action.
  • Verb: The action word.
In a Hindi sentence, we first say who is doing the action (the subject), then what the action is being done to (the object), and finally, we say what the action is (the verb).
  • राम सेब खाता है।
  • सीता पानी पीती है।
  • बच्चा किताब पढ़ता है।
Let's break down an example. In the sentence 'राम सेब खाता है', 'राम' is the subject because he is doing the action. 'सेब' is the object because it is what is being eaten. 'खाता है' is the verb because it tells us the action of eating.
Important Points
  • Always start with the subject.
  • Follow with the object.
  • End with the verb.
Using this order helps us understand who is doing what to whom. It's like putting puzzle pieces together to make a clear picture.
  • नेहा खाना बनाती है।
  • कुत्ता गेंद लाता है।
  • माली पौधा लगाता है।