Learn Hindi Types of Postpositions

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Understanding Hindi Postpositions
In Hindi, postpositions are words that come after a noun or pronoun. They are like little helpers that tell us more about the relationship between words in a sentence. Unlike English, where we use prepositions like 'in', 'on', or 'at' before a noun, Hindi uses postpositions after a noun.
Important Points
  • Location Postpositions: Tell us where something is.
  • Time Postpositions: Tell us when something happens.
  • Possession Postpositions: Show ownership or relationship.
  • Instrumental Postpositions: Tell us how or with what something is done.
  • Cause Postpositions: Explain why something happens.
Location Postpositions
These postpositions help us understand where things are. Common ones are 'में' (in), 'पर' (on), and 'के पास' (near).
  • बिल्ली बिस्तर पर सो रही है।
  • किताब टेबल के ऊपर है।
  • वह बगीचे में खेल रहा है।
Time Postpositions
These tell us when something happens. Examples include 'को' (at) and 'से' (from, since).
  • मैं रात को सोता हूँ।
  • वह सुबह से पढ़ रही है।
Possession Postpositions
These show who owns something or how things are related. A common one is 'का/की/के' (of).
  • यह राम का घर है।
  • यह मेरी पुस्तक है।
Instrumental Postpositions
These tell us how or with what something is done. The postposition 'से' (with, by) is often used.
  • वह कलम से लिखता है।
  • मैं बस से स्कूल जाता हूँ।
Cause Postpositions
These explain why something happens. 'के लिए' (for) and 'के कारण' (because of) are examples.
  • वह पढ़ाई के लिए दिल्ली गया।
  • बारिश के कारण खेल रद्द हो गया।