Learn Hindi Verbs

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Understanding Hindi Verbs
Verbs are action words. They tell us what someone or something is doing. In Hindi, verbs change their form to match the subject and the tense of the sentence.
Important Points
  • Root Verb: The basic form of the verb without any changes.
  • Conjugation: Changing the verb form to match the subject, number, and tense.
  • Tenses: Present, Past, and Future are the main tenses in Hindi.
  • Gender: Verbs change form based on the gender of the subject.
  • Number: Verbs change form based on whether the subject is singular or plural.
Root Verb
The root verb is the simplest form of the verb. For example, 'खाना' (to eat), 'पीना' (to drink), 'चलना' (to walk).
  • मुझे खाना पसंद है।
  • वह पीना चाहता है।
  • हम चलना शुरू करते हैं।
Conjugation means changing the verb to fit the subject and tense. For example, 'खाना' becomes 'खाता है' for 'he eats' and 'खाती है' for 'she eats'.
  • राम खाता है।
  • सीता खाती है।
  • बच्चे खाते हैं।
Tenses tell us when the action happens. There are three main tenses: Present (now), Past (before), and Future (later).
  • वह पढ़ता है। (Present)
  • वह पढ़ा। (Past)
  • वह पढ़ेगा। (Future)
Gender and Number
In Hindi, verbs change based on whether the subject is a boy or a girl, and whether it's one person or many. This is called agreement.
  • लड़का खेलता है।
  • लड़की खेलती है।
  • लड़के खेलते हैं।