Learn Hungarian Adverb Formation

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Understanding Hungarian Adverbs
In Hungarian, adverbs are words that describe how, when, or where something happens. They help make sentences more interesting by giving more details about the action.
Forming Adverbs from Adjectives
To turn an adjective into an adverb, you often add a special ending to the adjective. This ending is usually '-an' or '-en', depending on the sounds in the word.
  • gyors (fast) -> gyorsan (quickly)
  • szép (beautiful) -> szépen (beautifully)
Forming Adverbs from Nouns
Sometimes, nouns can also become adverbs. This is less common, but it can happen with certain words. You might see endings like '-ul' or '-ül'.
  • magyar (Hungarian) -> magyarul (in Hungarian)
  • angol (English) -> angolul (in English)
Forming Adverbs from Other Adverbs
Some adverbs can be changed into different adverbs to give more specific information. This might involve adding a prefix or changing the word slightly.
  • most (now) -> mostanában (recently)
  • itt (here) -> itt-ott (here and there)
Important Points
  • Adverbs can describe how an action is done.
  • They can also tell us when or where something happens.
  • Adverbs often end in '-an' or '-en' when formed from adjectives.
  • Not all adverbs come from adjectives; some come from nouns or other adverbs.