Understanding Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in Magyar
In the Hungarian language, adjectives can change to show comparisons between things. This is called using the comparative and superlative forms.
When we want to say something is more than something else, we use the comparative form. In Hungarian, we usually add '-bb' to the adjective.
- A macska nagyobb mint a kutya.
- Ez a könyv érdekesebb mint az előző.
- Az alma pirosabb mint a körte.
When we want to say something is the most of all, we use the superlative form. In Hungarian, we add 'leg-' before the adjective and '-bb' at the end.
- Ő a legokosabb a csoportban.
- Ez a legszebb virág a kertben.
- Ez a legkisebb kutya.
Important Points
- Comparative adjectives compare two things.
- Superlative adjectives show the most or least of something.
- Some adjectives have irregular forms.
- Always remember the 'leg-' prefix for superlatives.
Some adjectives do not follow the regular rules. These are called irregular adjectives. You need to memorize them.
- Jó - jobb - legjobb
- Rossz - rosszabb - legrosszabb
- Kicsi - kisebb - legkisebb