Learn Hungarian Definite Conjugation

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Understanding the Magyar Definite Conjugation
In the Hungarian language, verbs can change their form depending on whether the object they refer to is definite or indefinite. The definite conjugation is used when we talk about a specific object or person, like 'the book' or 'the dog.'
Important Points
  • Definite conjugation is used with definite objects.
  • It changes the verb form to match a specific object.
  • The definite article 'a' or 'az' is often used with the noun.
  • The verb ending changes based on the subject and tense.
Let's look at how the verb 'to see' (látni) changes with definite conjugation. If you want to say 'I see the dog,' you use the definite conjugation because you are talking about a specific dog.
  • Látom a kutyát. (I see the dog.)
  • Látod a könyvet. (You see the book.)
  • Látja a házat. (He/She sees the house.)
Notice how the verb 'lát' changes to 'látom,' 'látod,' and 'látja' to match the subject 'I,' 'you,' and 'he/she' when using definite conjugation.
Important Points
  • First person singular (I): -om/-em/-öm
  • Second person singular (you): -od/-ed/-öd
  • Third person singular (he/she/it): -ja/-i
  • First person plural (we): -juk/-jük
  • Second person plural (you all): -játok/-itek
  • Third person plural (they): -ják/-ik
Remember, the ending you use depends on the vowel harmony of the verb stem. If the verb stem has back vowels (a, o, u), use endings with 'a.' If it has front vowels (e, i), use endings with 'e' or 'i.'
  • Olvasom a levelet. (I read the letter.)
  • Értjük a kérdést. (We understand the question.)
  • Ismerik a választ. (They know the answer.)