Learn Hungarian Demonstrative Pronouns

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Understanding Magyar Demonstrative Pronouns
In the Hungarian language, also known as Magyar, demonstrative pronouns are words that help us point out specific things or people. They are like little pointers that show us which thing or person we are talking about. Demonstrative pronouns in Hungarian change based on the distance and the number of things or people.
Important Points
  • Demonstrative pronouns can mean 'this' or 'that' in English.
  • They change based on whether the noun is close or far.
  • They also change based on whether the noun is singular or plural.
Basic Demonstrative Pronouns
Important Points
  • Ez: This (for something close, singular)
  • Az: That (for something far, singular)
  • Ezek: These (for things close, plural)
  • Azok: Those (for things far, plural)
  • Ez a könyv az asztalon van.
  • Az a ház messze van.
  • Ezek a virágok szépek.
Using Demonstrative Pronouns with Nouns
When you use a demonstrative pronoun in Hungarian, it usually comes before the noun. It's like saying 'this book' or 'these flowers'.
  • Ez a kutya aranyos.
  • Az a fa magas.
  • Azok a madarak énekelnek.
Questions with Demonstrative Pronouns
You can also use demonstrative pronouns to ask questions. It's like asking 'What is this?' or 'What are those?'
  • Mi ez?
  • Mi az?
  • Mik ezek?