Learn Hungarian Subordinate Clauses

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Understanding Magyar Subordinate Clauses
Subordinate clauses in Magyar, also known as 'mellékmondatok', are parts of a sentence that depend on the main clause. They give extra information, but they cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.
Important Points
  • Purpose: They explain why something happens.
  • Time: They tell us when something happens.
  • Condition: They describe a condition for something to happen.
  • Reason: They explain the reason for something.
  • Consequence: They show the result of an action.
Subordinate clauses often start with special words called conjunctions. These words help connect the subordinate clause to the main clause.
  • Azt mondta, hogy elmegyünk a parkba.
  • Amikor esik az eső, otthon maradunk.
  • Eljövök, ha lesz időm.
Remember, the main clause is the bossy part of the sentence. The subordinate clause is the helper that gives more details.
  • Szeretem a csokit, mert finom.
  • Bár hideg van, elmegyünk sétálni.
  • Várj meg, amíg befejezem a munkát.
By using subordinate clauses, we can make our sentences more interesting and informative. They help us explain things better and tell more complete stories.