Learn Icelandic Interrogative Sentences

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Understanding Íslenska Interrogative Sentences
Interrogative sentences are questions. In Icelandic, they help us find out information by asking about things like who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Important Points
  • Question Words: These are special words used to ask questions, like 'hvað' (what), 'hver' (who), 'hvar' (where), 'hvenær' (when), 'hvers vegna' (why), and 'hvernig' (how).
  • Word Order: In Icelandic questions, the verb usually comes before the subject. This is different from regular sentences.
  • Yes/No Questions: These questions can be answered with 'já' (yes) or 'nei' (no).
  • Question Tone: The way you say a question can change its meaning. Your voice usually goes up at the end of a question.
  • Hvað heitir þú? (What is your name?)
  • Hvar býr hann? (Where does he live?)
  • Geturðu hjálpað mér? (Can you help me?)
Let's practice making questions. You can start with a question word, then add the verb, and finally the subject. This will help you ask clear questions in Icelandic.
  • Hvenær kemur hún heim? (When is she coming home?)
  • Hvers vegna er hann að hlæja? (Why is he laughing?)
  • Hvernig fer ég þangað? (How do I get there?)