Learn Indonesian Conjunctions

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Understanding Bahasa Indonesia Conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that help us connect other words, phrases, or sentences. In Bahasa Indonesia, they are called 'Konjungsi'. They are like glue that holds different parts of our sentences together, making our language flow smoothly.
Important Points
  • Coordinating Conjunctions: These connect words or groups of words that are of equal importance.
  • Subordinating Conjunctions: These join a dependent clause to an independent clause.
  • Correlative Conjunctions: These work in pairs to connect equal elements in a sentence.
Types of Conjunctions
Let's explore the different types of conjunctions in Bahasa Indonesia and see how they work.
Important Points
  • Dan (and): Used to add information.
  • Atau (or): Used to present choices.
  • Tetapi (but): Used to show contrast.
  • Karena (because): Used to explain reasons.
  • Jika (if): Used to talk about conditions.
  • Sebelum (before): Used to indicate time order.
  • Setelah (after): Used to indicate what happens next.
  • Meskipun (although): Used to show contrast.
Using Conjunctions in Sentences
Now that we know the types of conjunctions, let's see how we can use them in sentences.
  • Saya suka apel dan jeruk.
  • Dia harus memilih antara kue atau es krim.
  • Saya ingin pergi, tetapi hujan turun.
Remember, conjunctions help us connect our thoughts. They make our sentences more interesting and easier to understand.
  • Kami bermain sepak bola karena cuaca cerah.
  • Jika kamu lapar, makanlah sesuatu.
  • Dia membaca buku sebelum tidur.
By using conjunctions, we can tell stories, explain our thoughts, and share our ideas clearly. Keep practicing, and you'll become a conjunction expert in no time!