Learn Italian Indirect Object Pronouns

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Understanding Italiano Indirect Object Pronouns
In Italiano, indirect object pronouns help us talk about who receives the action in a sentence. They tell us 'to whom' or 'for whom' something is done. Let's learn about these special words and how they are used.
Important Points
  • mi (to me)
  • ti (to you, singular informal)
  • gli (to him)
  • le (to her)
  • ci (to us)
  • vi (to you, plural)
  • gli (to them)
These pronouns are like little helpers that replace the names of people or things in sentences. They make sentences shorter and easier to say.
  • Mi dai un libro. (You give me a book.)
  • Ti mando una lettera. (I send you a letter.)
  • Gli preparo la cena. (I prepare dinner for him.)
Notice how the pronouns come before the verbs like 'dai', 'mando', and 'preparo'. This is important to remember when speaking or writing in Italiano.
Sometimes, you might see sentences where the indirect object pronoun is attached to the end of an infinitive verb. This happens when there are two verbs together.
  • Voglio dirti un segreto. (I want to tell you a secret.)
  • Devo dargli i soldi. (I have to give him the money.)
In these examples, 'dirti' and 'dargli' have the pronouns attached to the end of the infinitive verbs 'dire' and 'dare'. This makes the sentence sound smooth and connected.
By practicing these rules and examples, you can become more comfortable using indirect object pronouns in Italiano. They help your sentences flow better and sound more natural.
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