Learn Japanese Interrogative Sentences

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Understanding Japanese Interrogative Sentences
In Japanese, asking questions is an important part of communicating. To ask questions, we use interrogative sentences. These sentences help us find out information, like who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Common Question Words
Important Points
  • だれ (dare) - who
  • なに (nani) - what
  • どこ (doko) - where
  • いつ (itsu) - when
  • なぜ (naze) - why
  • どうやって (dou yatte) - how
How to Form Interrogative Sentences
To form a question, you usually start with a question word, add the main part of the sentence, and finish with 'か'. This 'か' is like a question mark in English.
  • だれが来ます? (Who is coming?)
  • なにを食べます? (What will you eat?)
  • どこに行きます? (Where are you going?)
Yes/No Questions
For yes or no questions, you can take a regular sentence and just add 'か' at the end. This turns the statement into a question.
  • これはペンです? (Is this a pen?)
  • あなたは学生です? (Are you a student?)
  • 彼は元気です? (Is he well?)
Important Tips
Important Points
  • Always put 'か' at the end of a question.
  • Use the right question word for the information you want.
  • Remember that the tone of your voice can also indicate a question.