Learn Kazakh Personal Pronouns

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Understanding Қазақша Personal Pronouns
In the Қазақша language, personal pronouns are used to refer to people or things without naming them directly. They can be used to talk about yourself, another person, or a group of people.
Important Points
  • Pronouns for 'I' and 'Me': мен
  • Pronouns for 'You' (singular): сен
  • Pronouns for 'He' or 'She': ол
  • Pronouns for 'We' or 'Us': біз
  • Pronouns for 'You' (plural or formal): сіздер
  • Pronouns for 'They': олар
These pronouns change a little when they are used in different ways in a sentence. Let's look at how they work.
Using Personal Pronouns in Sentences
When you want to say something about yourself, you use 'мен'. If you're talking directly to someone, you use 'сен'. For talking about a boy or a girl, we use 'ол'. If you and your friends are doing something, you'd use 'біз'. When speaking to a group or being polite, use 'сіздер'. And if you're talking about a group of people, use 'олар'.
  • Мен оқимын.
  • Сен ойнайсың.
  • Ол жүгіреді.
Important Things to Remember
By practicing these pronouns, you will be able to speak and understand Қазақша much better. Remember, practice makes perfect!