Understanding the Superlative Degree in Қазақша
In the Қазақша language, adjectives can change their form to show that something has the highest degree of a quality. This is called the superlative degree. It's like saying something is the 'biggest' or 'best' in English.
Important Points
- In Қазақша, the superlative degree is often formed by adding the word 'ең' before the adjective.
- The word 'ең' means 'most' or 'least', and it helps to show the highest degree of the quality.
- Sometimes, the superlative can be formed using suffixes or changes to the adjective itself, depending on the word.
Let's see how we can use the superlative degree with some examples.
- Бұл ең үлкен үй.
- Ол ең жақсы оқушы.
- Бұл ең ұзын жол.
In these examples, the word 'ең' is placed before the adjective to show that it is the most or the least. 'Үлкен' means 'big', so 'ең үлкен' means 'biggest'.
Now you know how to use the superlative degree in Қазақша! You can describe things as the most beautiful, the tallest, or the fastest by using 'ең' before the adjective.