Learn Korean Causative Verbs

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Understanding Korean Causative Verbs
In Korean, causative verbs are used to express the idea that someone causes another person or thing to do something. It's like saying 'make someone do something' or 'have something done' in English.
How to Form Causative Verbs
Korean causative verbs are formed by adding specific endings to the verb stem. These endings can change depending on the verb.
Important Points
  • For some verbs, you add -이-, -히-, -리-, or -기- to the verb stem.
  • For other verbs, you might add -우- or -구- to the verb stem.
  • Some verbs have irregular causative forms that you need to memorize.
  • 먹다 (to eat) -> 먹이다 (to feed)
  • 앉다 (to sit) -> 앉히다 (to seat someone)
  • 읽다 (to read) -> 읽히다 (to make someone read)
Using Causative Verbs in Sentences
When you use a causative verb in a sentence, you are saying that someone or something is making another person or thing do the action of the verb.
  • 엄마가 아이에게 밥을 먹인다. (The mom feeds the child.)
  • 선생님이 학생을 앉힌다. (The teacher seats the student.)
  • 아빠가 동생에게 책을 읽힌다. (The dad makes the younger sibling read a book.)
Tips for Learning Causative Verbs
Important Points
  • Practice by changing regular verbs into causative verbs.
  • Make simple sentences using causative verbs to help remember them.
  • Listen to Korean speakers and try to spot causative verbs.
With practice, you'll get better at recognizing and using causative verbs in Korean. Keep trying, and soon it will become easier!