Understanding Korean Connective Endings
In Korean, sentences can be connected using special endings. These endings help us link ideas and actions together, just like using 'and', 'but', or 'because' in English.
Important Points
- And - 그리고 (-고)
- But - 그런데 (-지만)
- Because - 그래서 (-서)
- If - 만약 (-면)
- While - 동안에 (-면서)
Let's explore each of these connective endings to understand how they work.
'-고' is used to connect two actions or states that happen one after another. It's like saying 'and then' in English.
- 나는 학교에 가고 친구를 만났어요.
- 엄마는 요리를 하고 설거지를 했어요.
'-지만' is used to show contrast between two sentences. It's like saying 'but' or 'however'.
- 나는 피곤해지만 운동을 했어요.
- 그는 똑똑하지만 게을러요.
'-서' is used to show cause and effect. It explains why something happened.
- 비가 와서 집에 있었어요.
- 배가 고파서 밥을 먹었어요.
'-면' is used to talk about conditions or possibilities. It's like saying 'if'.
- 비가 오면 우산을 가져가세요.
- 시간이 있으면 영화를 봐요.
'-면서' is used when two actions happen at the same time. It's like saying 'while'.
- 음악을 들으면서 공부해요.
- TV를 보면서 저녁을 먹었어요.