Learn Korean Present Tense

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Understanding Korean Present Tense
In Korean, the present tense is used to talk about actions happening now or things that are always true. It's like saying 'I eat' or 'She runs' in English.
Forming the Present Tense
To make the present tense in Korean, you need to know the verb stem. The verb stem is the verb without '다' at the end. Then, you add different endings based on the level of politeness.
Important Points
  • For informal polite speech, add '아요' or '어요' to the verb stem.
  • For formal polite speech, add '습니다' or 'ㅂ니다' to the verb stem.
  • 가다 (to go) -> 가요 (I go) - informal polite
  • 먹다 (to eat) -> 먹습니다 (I eat) - formal polite
  • 오다 (to come) -> 와요 (He/She comes) - informal polite
Choosing the Right Ending
The ending you choose depends on the last vowel of the verb stem. If it ends in 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', use '아요'. For other vowels, use '어요'. If you're being very formal, use '습니다' or 'ㅂ니다'.
  • 가다 (to go) ends in 'ㅏ' -> 가요 (I go)
  • 읽다 (to read) ends in 'ㅣ' -> 읽어요 (I read)
  • 하다 (to do) -> 합니다 (I do) - formal polite
Using Present Tense for Habits
We also use the present tense to talk about habits or things we do regularly, like 'I eat breakfast every day'.
  • 저는 매일 아침을 먹어요. (I eat breakfast every day.)
  • 그는 매주 운동해요. (He exercises every week.)
  • 우리는 학교에 가요. (We go to school.)