Learn Lithuanian Comparison of Adjectives

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Understanding Comparison of Adjectives in Lithuanian
In Lithuanian, just like in English, we use adjectives to describe things. When we want to compare these things, we use special forms of adjectives. These are called the comparative and superlative forms.
Types of Comparison
Important Points
  • Positive: This is the basic form, like 'big' or 'small'.
  • Comparative: This form is used to compare two things, like 'bigger' or 'smaller'.
  • Superlative: This form is used to show the extreme, like 'biggest' or 'smallest'.
Forming the Comparative
To make the comparative form in Lithuanian, we usually add '-esnis' or '-esnė' to the adjective. The ending changes depending on the gender of the noun it describes.
  • gražus -> gražesnis (more beautiful)
  • aukštas -> aukštesnis (taller)
  • mažas -> mažesnis (smaller)
Forming the Superlative
To make the superlative form, we add 'labiausiai' before the adjective or use '-iausias' or '-iausia' endings.
  • gražus -> labiausiai gražus (most beautiful)
  • aukštas -> aukščiausias (tallest)
  • mažas -> mažiausias (smallest)
Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives
Just like in English, some adjectives don't follow the regular rules. These are called irregular adjectives.
  • geras -> geresnis -> geriausias (good -> better -> best)
  • blogas -> blogesnis -> blogiausias (bad -> worse -> worst)
Using Comparatives and Superlatives
When using these forms, make sure to match the adjective with the noun's gender and number. This will help your sentences sound right.
  • Ji yra aukštesnė už savo seserį. (She is taller than her sister.)
  • Tai yra gražiausias namas mieste. (This is the most beautiful house in the city.)
  • Jis yra geriausias mokinys klasėje. (He is the best student in the class.)