Learn Lithuanian Demonstrative Pronouns

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Understanding Lietuvių Demonstrative Pronouns
In Lithuanian, demonstrative pronouns are words we use to point out specific things or people. They help us show if something is near or far from us, and they can also tell us if something is singular or plural.
Important Points
  • Demonstrative pronouns are like little pointers that help us show what we are talking about.
  • They change depending on whether the thing is close to us or far away.
  • They also change if we are talking about one thing or many things.
Types of Demonstrative Pronouns
In Lithuanian, the main demonstrative pronouns are 'šitas', 'tas', and 'anas'. Each of these has different forms to match the gender, number, and case of the noun they refer to.
Important Points
  • 'Šitas' is used for things that are close to us.
  • 'Tas' is used for things that are a bit further away.
  • 'Anas' is used for things that are far away.
  • Šitas obuolys yra skanus. (This apple is tasty.)
  • Tas namas yra didelis. (That house is big.)
  • Anas medis yra aukštas. (That tree is tall.)
Changing Forms of Demonstrative Pronouns
Just like in English, Lithuanian demonstrative pronouns change their form depending on whether they are used for a singular or plural noun, and depending on the gender of the noun.
Important Points
  • For masculine singular nouns, use 'šitas', 'tas', 'anas'.
  • For feminine singular nouns, use 'ši', 'ta', 'ana'.
  • For masculine plural nouns, use 'šie', 'tie', 'anie'.
  • For feminine plural nouns, use 'šios', 'tos', 'anos'.
  • Šie obuoliai yra skanūs. (These apples are tasty.)
  • Tos gėlės yra gražios. (Those flowers are beautiful.)
  • Anie vaikai yra linksmi. (Those children are happy.)
Using Demonstrative Pronouns in Sentences
When you use demonstrative pronouns in sentences, they usually come before the noun they are describing. They help us know exactly which thing or person we are talking about.
  • Ši knyga yra mano. (This book is mine.)
  • Tie žmonės yra draugiški. (Those people are friendly.)
  • Ana mergaitė yra mano sesuo. (That girl is my sister.)