Learn Macedonian Case System

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Understanding the Македонски Case System for Nouns
In Македонски, nouns change their form depending on their role in a sentence. This is called the case system. Let's learn about the different cases and how they work.
Important Points
  • Nominative Case
  • Accusative Case
  • Genitive Case
  • Dative Case
  • Vocative Case
Nominative Case
The nominative case is used for the subject of the sentence. This is the person or thing doing the action.
  • Мачката игра со топка.
  • Детето чита книга.
Accusative Case
The accusative case is used for the direct object of the sentence. This is the person or thing receiving the action.
  • Мачката игра со топка.
  • Детето чита книга.
Genitive Case
The genitive case shows possession. It tells us who owns something.
  • Книгата на детето е интересна.
  • Ова е куќата на мојот пријател.
Dative Case
The dative case is used for the indirect object. This is the person or thing receiving the direct object.
  • Му дадов играчка на детето.
  • Ја испратив порака на пријателот.
Vocative Case
The vocative case is used when directly addressing someone or calling out to them.
  • Мамо, дојди тука!
  • Пријателе, како си?