Understanding Norsk Modal Verbs
Modal verbs are special kinds of verbs in the Norsk language that help us express abilities, possibilities, permissions, or obligations. They are like little helpers to the main verb in a sentence.
Important Points
- can (kunne)
- will (vil)
- shall (skal)
- must (må)
- may (måtte)
- ought to (bør)
These modal verbs change the meaning of the main verb and are used to talk about what someone can do, will do, should do, or must do.
Let's look at each modal verb and understand how they are used.
We use 'kunne' to talk about what someone is able to do. It shows ability or possibility.
- Jeg kan svømme.
- Hun kan lese.
- Vi kan spille fotball.
We use 'vil' to talk about what someone wants to do or is going to do in the future.
- Jeg vil spise is.
- Han vil dra på ferie.
- De vil komme i morgen.
We use 'skal' to talk about plans or intentions. It is like saying 'I am going to' do something.
- Vi skal gå til parken.
- Hun skal lage middag.
- Jeg skal gjøre leksene mine.
We use 'må' to talk about what someone has to do. It shows necessity or obligation.
- Du må gjøre det nå.
- Vi må være stille.
- Jeg må gå til skolen.
We use 'måtte' when we talk about what someone is allowed to do or when we are not sure about something.
- Hun måtte gå hjem.
- Jeg måtte spørre om hjelp.
- Han måtte være forsiktig.
We use 'bør' to give advice or suggestions. It tells someone what they should do.
- Du bør spise grønnsaker.
- De bør lese boken.
- Hun bør være forsiktig.