Understanding Polish Numerals
Polish numerals are words that represent numbers. They can tell us how many things there are or help us count. In Polish, numerals can change their form depending on the number and the noun they are describing.
Important Points
- Cardinal Numerals: These are used for counting like one, two, three.
- Ordinal Numerals: These show the order of things like first, second, third.
- Collective Numerals: Used for counting groups like both or all.
- Fractional Numerals: Used for parts of a whole like half or third.
Cardinal numerals tell us how many of something there is. They can change to match the gender and case of the noun they describe.
- Mam trzy jabłka.
- On ma dwa psy.
- Ona ma cztery książki.
Ordinal numerals help us know the order of things. They are like first, second, or third in English.
- To jest pierwszy dzień szkoły.
- Ona jest druga w kolejce.
- To jest trzecia książka, którą czytam.
Collective numerals are used for counting groups of things, especially when the exact number isn't important.
- Mamy oboje rodziców.
- Widziałem troje dzieci.
- Kupiliśmy czworo krzeseł.
Fractional numerals describe parts of a whole, like half or a third.
- Zjadłem pół ciasta.
- To jest jedna trzecia drogi.
- Mam półtora litra mleka.