Learn Portuguese Subjunctive Past

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Understanding the Subjunctive Past in Português
The Subjunctive Past in Português is a special way of speaking that helps us talk about things that might have happened, but we aren't sure if they did. It's like when you imagine or wish for something in the past.
When Do We Use the Subjunctive Past?
Important Points
  • When we talk about things that we wish had happened.
  • When we are unsure if something happened in the past.
  • When we talk about things that depend on something else that might have happened.
In Português, the Subjunctive Past is used to express doubt, wishes, or hypothetical situations related to the past. It's like saying, 'I wish it had been sunny yesterday,' when you're not sure about the weather.
How to Form the Subjunctive Past
To form the Subjunctive Past, we use the third person plural of the preterite indicative, remove the 'ram', and add the endings: -sse, -ssemos, -ssem.
  • Se eu fosse rico, compraria um carro novo.
  • Ela falou como se tivesse visto um fantasma.
  • Quem me dera que você estivesse aqui ontem.
Examples of Subjunctive Past Sentences
Let's look at some examples to understand how the Subjunctive Past is used.
  • Se ele tivesse estudado, teria passado na prova.
  • Eu desejava que ela viesse à festa.
  • Se nós pudéssemos viajar, iríamos para o Brasil.
Important Points to Remember
Important Points
  • The Subjunctive Past is not used to talk about real events that happened.
  • It is often used in sentences that have two parts: one that is uncertain or wished for, and one that shows the result if it were true.
  • Look for trigger words like 'se', 'como se', and 'quem me dera' to know when to use the Subjunctive Past.