Ready to test your knowledge about Russian Numerals?
Understanding Russian Numerals
Russian numerals are words that help us count and describe amounts. Just like in English, they can be simple like 'one, two, three' or more complex like 'twenty-one, thirty-five.'
Types of Russian Numerals
Important Points
Cardinal Numerals
Ordinal Numerals
Collective Numerals
Fractional Numerals
Cardinal Numerals
Cardinal numerals are used for counting things. In English, these are numbers like one, two, three. In Russian, they are один, два, три.
Один кот
Два дома
Три яблока
Ordinal Numerals
Ordinal numerals show the order of things. In English, these are numbers like first, second, third. In Russian, they are первый, второй, третий.
Первый день
Второй этаж
Третий урок
Collective Numerals
Collective numerals are used to describe a group of things or people. They are special because they are used with nouns that are always plural.
Двое детей
Трое друзей
Четверо мужчин
Fractional Numerals
Fractional numerals are used to talk about parts of a whole. They are like 'half' or 'quarter' in English. In Russian, they are половина, треть, четверть.
Половина пирога
Треть книги
Четверть часа
Using Numerals in Sentences
Important Points
Match the numeral with the noun in gender and number
Remember that some numerals change form based on the case
Practice by counting objects around you
Russian numerals can be tricky because they change form based on the case and gender of the nouns they describe. But with practice, you can learn to use them just like any other words!
У меня три книги
Он купил две машины
Мы увидели пять собак
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